Hi there! My name is Jenn Campoli and here is a huge welcome to Live Well Fit Now!
This site has been a wonderful creation that is changing and growing everyday. I hope that you will come here to laugh and learn a bit about how I am living a life that allows me to feel balanced, happy and fulfilled.
A bit about me
My home now is Boston. I was born 'n raised in Texas but decided to leave that great state about 8 years ago. Somehow I'm still here in Boston it's snowy glory!
My life is currently filled with growing my health and nutrition coaching business. It's been quite the ride but we will get to that in a minute. A few random musings about me…two of my favorite things are peanut butter and dogs. That says a lot about me actually. Peanut butter stands for how I eat: indulgent but with an understanding and focus on foods that give me energy and vitality. My husband will say to never come between me and the peanut butter. Take that for what it is. My love for dogs speaks to my heart. They melt me instantly and bring me pure happiness. I think everyone has a collection of things in their life that gives you that deep feeling of joy. Dogs are it for me!
My Health Story
My health journey has been a long and winding one but a big stopping point occurred on June 1, 2008. On that day I was 60 pounds overweight. I was unhappy, in pain, and dissatisfied with how I felt about my life.
Let me be honest with you. I was lost.
For nearly 15 years I had been on a roller coaster with my weight and my body. Fighting anorexia in highschool and disordered eating through college, at 28 years old I was not in a peaceful place. Life had become about restricting and then bingeing on food. About a month prior to this day in June, I had impulsively bought a book called Intuitive Eating. The tag line below the title struck my eye in the store: make peace with food, free yourself from chronic dieting forever. Sounds lovely but I really didn't think it was possible. I was too focused on preparing my miniature meals for the upcoming week according to diet #269.
But on this June day as I was sitting on the couch, I decided to open the book. As they say, that was when lightning struck. That was when everything changed. The words in each chapter put me in awe, the ideas of what life could be made me smile and the simplicity of the theory gave me hope that one day I could wake up and just eat to eat.
The previous 269 some odd diets always started with my "mega plans." Down to the last calorie or minute, I knew what I was supposed to do day in and day out. Gosh I made things so complicated (which was likely the greatest excuse ever for when I messed up and could binge for the rest of the day!). After completing the book in one sitting I started to look at things a bit differently. I took my newly filled brain and channeled simplicity. The next step in my life would be small but it would be unlike any other step I had taken. Over the days and weeks, I continued to fall in love with Intuitive Eating.
I learned what mindful eating meant to me and I slowly began to practice these ideas. I learned how to feel my hunger and I learned how to respect and listen to my body. Now don’t you worry, I made many mistakes along the way! Ahh the beauty of mistakes. I started to exercise for fun. Say what? No more hours on machines that I despised? No more training plans with only weight loss in mind? I traded in calorie burn for fun.
This process of embracing intuitive eating has taken me over two years. I am still learning. What's happened since June 1, 2008? I have lost nearly 60 pounds through intuitive eating and consistent exercise. Food has a very different role in my life now. I see it as a form of nourishment, enjoyment and energy. Exercise now means strength, power and balance. I have made peace with my body. I understand what my body needs at any given moment of the day and I know exactly how to respond or I'm willing to try something new and see how I feel.
I have freed myself from chronic dieting forever. I guess this tag line was right.
A New Career
My background is in psychology and education and I was in the healthcare and child life field for over 5 years. Learning about intuitive eating uncovered a passion that I hadn’t noticed before. A passion for health, fitness, well being and a passion for learning about the body. In 2008 I took my first step in a new direction and opened a fitness business with Beachbody. My role in this business is to inspire and motivate clients during their fitness experience and provide them with the resources they need to achieve their goals. But I knew I wasn’t done yet.
I have been working with a life coach since early 2009. My time with her was where I discovered who I wanted to be. And I discovered how I wanted to influence the world. I fell in love with coaching. By the fall of 2009 I had enrolled in a wellness coaching program through Well Coaches, I left my job in healthcare and took a giant leap in this new direction.
I now have a thriving wellness and fitness coaching business here at Live Well Fit Now. I just started a year long holistic health and nutrition coaching program with the Institute for Integrative Nutrition to further my knowledge and broaden what I can provide for my clients.
Come see my coaching website! Intuitive Nourishment & Health
To say that I feel fulfilled with this new career path doesn’t encompass it all. I am blessed, I am honored and I am inspired by my clients and the work we do together. That impulsive book purchase truly changed everything in my life.
So, what else should we talk about?
I'm famously in love with my husband and was the luckiest girl in the world when I married him in July of 2010. We live in a wonderful home in the heart of Boston. We have no pets and have not attempted our first living plant. Life feels too busy to be responsible parents at this point.
So, that was a lot to read through. Congratulations if you read it all and hello if you skipped to the bottom. I love hearing from YOU! Connect with me by clicking on the CONTACT link at the top or email me: jennifercampoli <at> gmail <dot> com
Thanks for visiting!
Your website looks fabulous darling!!
So hapy for you. I must say the header is striking and very unique. Great work. It is nice to meet someone who has a psychology background too!
So exciting about yoru wedding in July too. Is your dress picked out?
Oh thank you so much Angela! I love love love hearing about your background and your knowledge.
Dress is all picked out! I keep dreaming about it
Hey! Just stumbled upon your blog. I just started one myself, actually.
I just started doing Beachbody Insanity. I've bought other ones in the past, and love the workouts, but never really followed through with them. Which ones did you use to lose weight?
Hi Jessica! Thanks for stopping by.
Your blog looks great! I love learning about other bloggies out there. We are creating quite the world aren't we?!
Insanity is fabulous and insane. Did I mention insane? It is one of the hardest workouts I have ever done. It will change your body and push your mental limits! I lost all of my weight (pounds that is) using Turbo Jam. I love the high intensity aspect of it but I also had the time of my life doing it! I then completed Chalean Xtreme- that is where I saw the real change. It was the strength training + high intensity cardio that led to some incredible changes in my body shape. I dropped sizes rather than pounds =
I try every single program by Beachbody so I would love to answer any questions you have!
Hi! Your blog looks great, and so inspiring! I have just begun a new blog myself, and it is sort of my accountability (in a fun way) to myself to eat better and be active. I am trying to lose about 125 lbs, so I need to keep it up. Blogging has done that for me, in addition to reading inspiring blogs like yours
Good luck on the new career and new life as a married gal
Hi Susan!
Thanks so much for stopping by! Blogging is a TERRIFIC place to put your thoughts out, connect with others who are like minded AND stay accountable to your goals!
I would be so happy to help you with any of your health and fitness goals. Helping gals create a plan is what I LOVE to do! If you'd like, email me! livewellfit09@gmail.com
Good luck with everything and keep coming by!
Hi Jenn
Thanks for checking out my blog. Blogging has totally helped me and I LOVE it! I will take all the help I can get.
Have a great week and thanks again!
Sure Susan! You have a lot going on right now and your blog will be a place to remind you of what all those little daily decisions are taking you towards.
Come back often!
Just found your blog! I love your bio and philosophy. I'll definitely be checking back.