When life gives ya lemons
Why hello there!
A very happy Thursday to you. We are experiencing our coldest day in Boston yet and I have warmed up my cup of coffee approximately 5 times. What can I say- I like it HOT!
Yesterday was one of those…how should we say it…unexpected days. The morning was grand. I made pumpkin butter oatmeal for me and the hubby since he was working from home for half the day. I said hello to each of you and caught up on some work.
It was around noon that the day became unexpected.
And I feel down the stairs. Not a big, big fall. It was still graceful ladies, don't you worry. I missed about two steps and landed on my left ankle. Hello impact. Hello ankle.
Ironically I had an appointment with my beloved chiropractor to work on my sore rotator cuff (darn push ups!) so she checked everything out and proceeded to do this to me…
And then told me to halt all high impact activity, rest and stay off it until the swelling + tenderness resolves.
Let's take a step back here. I just taught my first TurboKick class the day before. And I'm scheduled to teach again at 7pm tonight. "Are you telling me that after waiting two years to get myself into the studio as an instructor that now I can't teach tonight?" The decision was for me to make.
The answer?
Yeah, that's how I felt about the answer. No teaching for me until next week likely.
Sometimes life hands ya lemons.
But to be honest guys, I really wasn't craving lemons yesterday. No, not at all. Actually I wanted nothing to do with the citrus family. I wanted to be eating a peanut butter sandwich an hour before class. Lemons? No!
So I was pretty bummed out all day. I got upset. I had a pity party. I drank a glass of wine. I might have had another. I watched a silly romantic comedy and stayed up past my bedtime just so I could cry happy tears at the end. It was a beautiful dramatic meltdown of a day. But it was deserved and I let myself feel that way for as long as I needed.
I am feeling a bit better overall this morning but it still hurts like heck, especially when I touch certain areas.
For now, REST! And just when things were starting to get interesting around here! C'est la vie!
What does rest look like for me the next few days? zilch, zero, nada, none, NO CARDIO! With your ankle there really isn't anything that I feel you can appropriately do without straining that part of your foot. So this is time for me to listen to my body, let it heal and let go of any and all negative thoughts that say cardio must exist in my day or else I'm going to gain 50 pounds overnight. Rest also means bulking up on the fluids. Water is medicine friends. It will help my body do it's job and heal heal heal. Rest means foods that nourish my body (extra fruits n veggies). Rest means chill- don't walk as much. Stay away from our 4 flights of stairs as best as I can. And plus, I am leaving tomorrow morning to go see one of my most favorite Texas gals in New York City and I need to rest up so I can walk those city blocks! Extra incentive to listen.
Is rest easy for me? NOPE! I go crazy. I can already feel the restless energy in me. I'm craving more eggnog than I know what to do with but my belly is plenty full. It's amazing what a shift in your daily activity will do to your mind and what you think you need. I have that feeling of dare I say anxiety in my chest- my body wants to move. My mind wants to be stimulated. I want to be out in the world! No friends, rest is not easy but it is necessary. Or else I will not be teaching next week or the week after if I don't listen.
With these ideas in mind…my holiday tip of the day!
Holiday Tip
Be kind to yourself.
The demands of the holiday season are so high. We expect everything from ourselves and often nothing from others. So be kind to yourself. Listen to what you need and what your body needs- even if it is REST. Take just an ounce of time for you and you will be rewarded 10 fold!
Have a wonderful day!
Are you able to listen when your body needs rest? How do you struggle?
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Sorry you're injured! That really stinks. Timing is awful for it too. But you have a good head on your shoulders I know. I hope it heals quickly for you.
Tina @ Faith Fitness Fun´s last [type] ..Love it!
Thank you miss Tina!
Timing is never the best is it! That's alright though!