Current love

Posted by Jennifer Campoli on October 20th, 2010
Filed under Fabulous food | 5 Comments »

Today is half way over and I'm in love with what I'm eating.

It's quite simple really. A kickback to one of my favorite snacks in elementary school. Not even sure when my mom introduced me (hi Mother Dear!) to this but oh am I glad that I remembered and I'm even more glad that the ingredients are on hand.

Peanut butter 'n butter sandwich


Now don't judge. Just listen.

It's so simple. Take a slice of favorite bread, slather a bit of buttery spread (today I'm using earth balance 'cause that's what I got!). Then slather a bit of peanut butter on top of the butter. The beauty is you don't need much of either. I warned you- you don't need much of either. Or else you will have a blob of fat that will make you nauseous after the first bite.

With just a bit of each, the two perfect ingredients combine to a swirl of goodness.

Forget the second slice of bread. It takes away from the viewing pleasure of the butter n butter swirl.

Now enjoy.

I've already eaten two today. One for breakfast then one for lunch.

I must slow down.

But it's so good and perfect for my tired body after a kick butt spinning class.

I feel energized.

I feel satisfied.

I feel good.

Now, break!


So, what is your current love? Snack? Lunch? Breakfast?

Come out lovely readers, I know you're here. Say hello and share! :)

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5 Responses to “Current love”

  1. Colleen says:

    My current love is pumpkin yogurt! I just mix a serving of vanilla yogurt with a couple spoonfuls of pure pumpkin, sprinkle in a dash of cinnamon, and voila, pumpkin yogurt! It's a favorite fall treat of mine. :)
    Colleen´s last [type] ..Cooking Light Pumpkin Bread

  2. Jenn says:

    Now that's my fall girl! :)

  3. I have never heard of that combo! LOL I did have a pbj though. I'm more of a classics type of gal. 😉
    Tina @ Faith Fitness Fun´s last [type] ..completely irresponsible

  4. Hi Jenn! I'm new to your blog, so I wanted to say Hi!

    I'm a big pumpkin butter and butter girl. 😉 Try it!
    Melissa @ Live, Love, & Run´s last [type] ..A Little Hodge Podge Post

  5. Jenn says:

    Hi Melissa! :)

    Thanks for stopping by!

    Pumpkin butter n that sounds DELICIOUS!!!!

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