10 things you didn't know about ME
How goes it thus far?
I'm getting myself ready for a spinning class in about an hour. My Mad Dogg certification is 2 weeks away (big realization today!) so my focus of late has been time on the bike. And I'm secretly falling very, very much in love with spinning. Teaching will be awesome!
Today felt light and fun so that is what this post is all about!
10 things you didn't know about me
I despise, despise mushrooms and eggplant. It's the taste, the texture, the smell- everything about it!
When I was in the first grade I got sick right on the table in the middle of my reading group. Worst moment of elementary school ever! I had issues with the U-shaped reading tables after that.
Getting a tattoo at the age of 18 was one my act of rebellion- sorry mom! (but I love it!)
I hiccup once while eating. It's my signal that I'm full. Never fails me.
I have issues with ice. Love ice cold drinks but can't touch it. I cringe when I think about ice and it makes my skin crawl.
My nickname over the years with the family has evolved from Jenni-Poo to J-dough to J-bomb to Bomber. Bomber has stuck.
I'm secretly very scared of the kitchen. I've had so many recipe failures in the past (specifically forgetting key ingredients) but we're working on that.
I typically knock something over or fall down almost once a day.
My middle name is Lee. I hated that growing up and changed it to Leigha on my school name tag- thought Lee was a boy name.
I can't sew anything. All of my children will have to ask their grandparents for help in that area.
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How cool that you are getting certified to teach spin! You will be a great instructor!
I always love these types of posts. I can relate to the clumsy thing. And the hiccup to signal you're full is so weird…and cool!
Tina @ Faith Fitness FunĀ“s last [type] ..most common fitness mistakes
Why thank you Sue!
You would be an awesome instructor as well ya know!
Hola Miss Tina!
The hiccup thing is so bizarre. It's kind of my signature thing now. Cool in some ways, weird in others. I asked a nurse that I worked with what she thought and she said it was just my body's way of working! Well ok!
Well, my middle name is Lee also. I've never really thought much about it. What I really don't like is my given name: Suzanna. That's why I always go by Suzi
Suzanna is so beautiful Suzi!
But then again we always feel different when it's our own, right? Now I love my middle name and would never think nor want to change it. I've grown up I guess!