Insanity Graduate! Yes I am…

Posted by Jennifer Campoli on June 28th, 2010
Filed under Beachbody, Workouts | 4 Comments »

Hellooooooo there!

Many many many apologies for disappearing for over a week. I knew this would start to happen as we approach the last days leading up to our wedding. :) I'm soaking this all up though friends! We have been busy busy over here. Let's catch up a bit, shall we?


After 60+ days of jumping, running, turning and doing more push ups and planks than I know what to do with, I have officially completed the INSANITY PROGRAM! I might be just a little bit proud of myself today. Just a little bit.

This program was viciously hard people but in the most incredible way. I needed a challenge. I needed to push my body. I needed to focus on building my mental and physical strength leading up to our wedding because I had only one goal in my mind: to be a healthy, a strong, a fit, a well, a content woman on my wedding day. I didn't care about my size, my weight or what this goal translated into…I wanted to FEEL a certain way and for once..I MADE IT! For once I did this without cut backs and without giving up. There is nothing better than that feeling.

So here are some official tracking results:

At the start of the program you are to complete the Fit Test. It is a collection of moves that you crank out for a minute each and do as many reps as you can. This is a fantastic way to see how your cardio endurance improves over time, which is a huge piece to the Insanity workout. So here are my results…

First Test –> Final Test
Switch Kicks 46–> 68
Power Jacks 55 –> 73
Power Knees 78 –> 115
Power Jumps 27 –> 46
Globe Jump 10 –> 12
Suicide Jumps 14 –> 18
Push Up Jacks 18 –> 30
Low Plank Oblique 28 –> 60

I must admit, I love those numbers! I improved in every area! Who cares how good my behind looks in jeans, I can do 30 push up jacks and 68 switch kicks in a row! My heart is healthier, my body is healthier and most of all, my MIND is healthier!

Here is a before Insanity pic (blah!)

A few afters from today…

I didn't do any official measurements this go around but my shape has continued to change over time- more muscle/definition mostly. I believe I am down about 2 more inches on my waist and my behind is a bit smaller. :) My arms have had the best results- they are strong and look strong! I have no idea what I weigh and don't really plan to check anytime soon! :)

Shaun T is the creator of Insanity and let's just gush on him for a moment. This man is a true motivator. Someone who can encourage you to push past every limit you've ever had. And he will do this safely and effectively. I loved turning on my DVD everyday knowing that his voice would be blasting in my living room (sorry neighbors!) while I jumped and yelled and pushed for an hour.

More real results? Let's see….

I can do big girl push ups and I can do a lot of them.

I can run fast again.

I can sprint and barely lose my breath.

My body can move for longer, it can move faster and it can move without pain.

When I hurt my back nearly 4 years ago I was in so much pain. I could barely bike for 20 minutes let alone stand with friends for 30 minutes without having to sit down. My weight crept up more than 45 pounds and I had signed off from exercise.

Now I am doing things I never thought I could because of my fitness level. It's just amazing friends. It is amazing what your mind and your body can do when you allow them to connect.

Please email or contact me if you have questions about Insanity or any other Beachbody programs! My plan is to take some time off from a structured program. The wedding day is less than 2 weeks away and running outside in the morning for fresh air is exactly what I need!

The fiance and I are going to be on our honeymoon for 3 weeks! Workout DVD's will not be joining us but we will be hiking, biking, walking and doing our own modified Insanity moves on the beach a few times a week! :) Moderation is everything, right?!

Other news…

Starting next week I will be taking my time away from you glorious friends. I am going to sign off for 4 weeks as we approach the big day and then sail off to Europe. But don't you worry..we have a flip camera coming with us and I will be taking short videos on how well we travel and eat with a balanced and mindful approach. We will be journaling daily about our favorite meals, recipes, discoveries so when I return I will have more things to share with you than I will know what to do with!

Well, I will leave you today but will return with some fabulous salad recipes to share! The fiance's father has a garden at their home and we just got our first share of gorgeous lettuce! :)

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4 Responses to “Insanity Graduate! Yes I am…”

  1. Kris says:

    I am so impressed with your results – mostly glad that you are feeling great! I wish you all the best as you head to the big wedding day!!!! I know you are going to be blissful and beautiful. Enjoy that honeymoon! Miss you!

  2. Jenn says:

    Thank you darling Kris! It is so wonderful to see you here. :)

  3. Lexie says:

    Wow your results are amazing! I am really interested in this program but not interested in spending the money. Bleh. I think it was a perfect idea to do before your wedding and your honeymoon though. Have fun :)
    Lexie´s last [type] ..Vita-okay

  4. Jenn says:

    Thanks Lexie!

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