Sites galore!
Good afternoon fellow friends!
Depending on the weather where you are right now, I might make you jealous: I am sitting on my mom's back patio, it's about 67 degrees out with a light breeze. There isn't a cloud in the sky and I feel like I could sit here forever. Yeah, that is my perfection. I love Texas in the winter! The weather forecast is calling for some clouds and rain this weekend but I could care less, I don't need a wool coat or 2 layers of tights!
Hi rest day, nice to meet ya! was a desperately needed and deserved rest day. I had an early morning and a long flight followed by an hour drive. Once I got home with my mom, all we wanted to do was sit outside, drink a HUGE green monster (naturally!) and just relax. And so we did. We got caught up, chatted about shower plans (two of my bridesmaids have planned an incredible party for me!) and started to celebrate the kickoff of wedding celebrations!
Tomorrow I have a long workout planned, including a spinning class at my mom's gym + CE Burn circuit 3- my FAVORITE. I might also squeeze in some yoga in there just to stretch this body after a day of flying.
Health + Fitness sites
I remember when I started expanding my health and fitness knowledge 2 years ago. I had just completed Intuitive Eating and something was starting to awaken in me. I wanted more knowledge! I found myself spending nearly half of my day at work searching online for ideas, tips, meal plans, recipes and workouts. Way to be a productive worker Jenn, huh? But this was all part of my morphing. I was obsessed with learning!
When I started looking around I had no idea where to start and I was rather overwhelmed actually with all of the information out there. How would I know what to click on and what to try or what to believe? The internet is a beautiful thing but you do have to be aware of where your information is coming from, yes?
So I have slowly started to collect a list of my favorite sites. Places where I have found valuable information, new ideas, fun workouts and a community of learners looking to lead a healthier and well life! I wanted to share some of my newer finds and places that I am starting to dig my head in.
Of course I am going to start here! This is where I started and am still learning and discovering! Team Beachbody is our online community where you get access to workout tips, access to the creators/trainers of Beachbody programs, individualized nutrition plans with daily meal plans, and a phenomenal message board full of others looking to do the same thing as you = gain energy, explore new forms of exercise, improve health!
My favs:
- Customized meal plans– When I started Chalean Extreme the first round, I wanted as many recipes as I could get my hands on. I printed 14 days worth of meal plans and just experimented! They were created according to my body stats. A great way to learn about health portions, how to incorporate simple + delicious meals in to your day with little effort.
- Online chats– every week there is an online chat scheduled with one of the trainers in Beachbody. Talk live with Chalene Johnson or Shaun T? That makes me happy! And they offer cool insight to their programs and ways to change it up.
- Message boards– connect with thousands of others doing the same program as you! Connect, challenge each other and create a system of accountability. All key things to success with anything in life!
Explore Team Beachbody for free. Go to my coach page. Click Join and then select the Try Free Membership then get started!
This is such a cool find! So Peer Trainer is a site you can join for free and create or join your own fitness group. You ultimately buddy up with others who have various fitness or health goals and you create your own system of accountability! You can start a group with friends on your own or join an already existing group. Similar to blogs, message boards or chat rooms…reach out and connect with others who are like minded! This can be such a great source of inspiration.
Cool finds:
- The Lounge is a great place to play around and check out what other groups and teams are doing.
- A phenomenal section on diet that talks less about particular diet plans and MORE about how to make healthy eating fit your lifestyle!
- A very comprehensive fitness section filled with workouts, tips and new things to try.
I'm still digging in to this site so I will report when I find out more! I have just skimmed the surface.
My good friend, Colleen introduced me to this site. Thanks friend! Everyday Health provides a wealth of information on anything from health issues, conditions, back pain to Alzheimer's, medication and supplements, with an incredible amount of detail. I love that this site offers facts, descriptions and symptoms on particular conditions but an equal amount of info on prevention and improving health!
- Healthy Living Tools- I love stuff like this! Everything from a weight tracker, BMI calculator (which are often inaccurate by the way!), shopping lists and more. You can over haul everything in your kitchen just by using these tools.
- Nutrition Facts- want to see what is inside your food? Look up anything you got in their database!
- Nutrition 101- a fabulous break down of food groups, things to incorporate into your daily eating habits and how to start this process!
Oh I love this magazine! And their online site is just as good. They feature such strong, powerful women on this site. One of my favorite trainers out there is Tosca Reno. She is a fabulous 50 something fitness model who lives by eating clean. A rockstar at 50! My kind of gal. Women's Health brings their entire magazine online to you. Search everything from hard core workouts to new yoga poses and then brush up on your relationship talk!
My favs:
- This Just In- on the home page they feature current news in the health and fitness industry. Today I learned about Michelle Obama's call for better food in the school system. When I don't have time to do a large amount of reading I click on a few of the This Just In articles and I always learn something new!
- Fitness- I find this to be one of the most well rounded fitness sections out there. You can learn how to blast 300 calories in an hour, update your running plan or start a brand new approach to exercise! I am always learning from their fitness section.
My mom will not agree with what I'm about to say as she is NOT a fan of Martha Stewart but Body + Soul is my favorite magazine EVER! I love the simplicity, the focus on green and clean living and the wholesome ideas she offers every month. I am truly impressed by the magazine as well as the website. Who knew Martha was such a clean + green gal!
Cool finds:
- Green Living- you can find some of the greatest ideas on how to incorporate more green living into your life. This is something I am trying to be very conscious of and make an effort to improve. I find the ideas on this site not only user friendly but EASY to try! And that is a must in my book.
- Seasonal Foods- OH I LOVE THIS SECTION under Eat Well! So many cool ideas about how to eat seasonal foods and recipes galore! You must visit this section over anything I have told you tonight. Delicious ideas friends!
Well friends, I will leave you with those sites. I hope you find some cool information out there. Please share what you do find AND share some of your favorite places to visit!
Will see you tomorrow with some glorious Texas pics and preparations for the wild and crazy 20 women who will be arriving on Saturday. It shall be grand!
G'nite and be well
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I'm jealous of the weather!! Still cold here in NYC. Thanks for sharing those sites!!
Yes, Jenn, thanks for sharing these sites! I'm glad you like the Everyday Health one! ENJOY your bridal shower with family and friends!!!! You totally deserve to have a wonderful time!
Hi Jocelyn! I wish it was warmer in NYC and Boston. I left snow and nasty wind!
I did love Everyday Health Colleen! Fun stuff in there.
Thanks for all the sites! I can't wait to check them out. I'm in love with all healthy living/exercise info so these will no doubt be must reads for me!
Have a wonderful Friday!
So glad you are checking them out.
Love your blog by the way…
Of course this is being printed and put in the MANUAL. I saved it in my work e-mail too, so I can refer to it during those much needed "rest periods" during the day-yeah I'm guilty too of searching the internet while working. Thanks again I cannot wait to look at some of the sites tomorrow.