Winter wonderland
Afternoon all!
Mini post today compared to the last few. I've been talking quite a bit lately, haven't I?!?!
I hope you've enjoyed some of my journey. It was pretty darn scary putting up those words but after I thought about everything I had been through, what I've learned and how I have grown…I knew I wanted to share that. Regardless of what that looked like!
So I woke up to this today…
I guess I can't really complain about the snow. We haven't had nearly as much as Boston is used to and to be honest, I stayed nice and warm at home so I didn't mind the winter wonderland out there. I curled up in my chair at the big table and drank water, alternating with tea. I cumulated quite a few mugs by the end of the day. The total count was 4 I think.
I didn't let the snow stop me from getting all sorts of sweaty today…
Challenge Day 8 friends! Can you believe it!
I decided to pull out an oldie: did Cardio Party from my Turbo Jam collection. So much fun! I sported the weighted hand gloves as well which kept my arms burning pretty much from 3 minutes into the warm up all the to cool down. Those gloves are an awesome way to step up my workout. Holding 1lb gloves while punching, reaching, kicking and moving is rather intense, might I add. Want some of these. Start with my coaching page and the store is at your command friends. Go here.
How do you like to kick up your workout intensity?
How do you keep yourself from getting in a workout rut?
I completed my day with an ab workout courtesy of Chalean Extreme of course! Pretty well rounded day after 60 minutes I would say.
After my workout, I proceeded to plant myself down in the chair for more reading, learning with my awesome wellness material. A view of our living room from where I sit. Not a bad view, considering there are 4 windows to my left for continuous entertainment.
Staying healthy in the winter
I've noticed a few friends and fellow blogies dropping like flies right now in terms of colds, flu, virus, etc…I've been incredibly lucky this season so far and I have yet to even experience the touch of a symptom (am I jinxing myself right now?). I thought we could talk a bit about how to vamp up your immune system during the winter season or when you are surrounded by sickies! (any teachers, healthcare workers, childcare friends out there? You know what I mean).
Some of my go to strategies:
1. REST. Um yeah, there is a reason mom said to get 8 hours. Your body does an incredible amount of restoration, repair and recovery work while you are off in dreamland. Your cells go to work during these hours and when you deprive them of that = say hi to stress, weaker immune system and sickness. Plus, you simply don't feel as well with less than 7.5-8 hours. If you survive on 6, more power to ya but I guarantee you will feel better if you slept closer to 8. My family…we are sleepers. I do best on 8-8.5 hours actually and I'm pretty much willing to do anything to try to get that much.
2. Eat whole foods. Am I starting to sound repetitive friends? I am sorry if I do but..I can't stop! Eat real, whole, unprocessed, natural foods as much as you can! Who cares if you get 2 out of the 3 recommended servings of fruit and only 3 of the 5 vegetables. Just get them in there! There are no better vitamins than fruits, vegetables, and water. You can fuel every part of your immune system with food. Just keep it simple sweetie: stick with fruits, veggies, whole grains that are NOT modified/enriched, good dairy, healthy non-chemically treated protein and life will be grand!
3. Water. Water. Water. Drink it, drink a lot of it and smile. This is the greatest source of energy for our body. Our cells do everything from reproduce to regenerate to repair with the assistance of water so don't deprive. And no, the diet coke is not considered fluid intake. Sorry, I used to use that one too. Push more water and have your diet coke as well if you enjoy it.
4. Powerhouse supplements. I kinda made that up myself. Just sounded good in my head so I went with it. I'm talking Echinacea, vitamin C, B12, Zinc (don't over take!), Spirulina, chlorella, pro/prebiotics, algae..I could go on. These are nutrients, vitamins and minerals that support good health. You can find most of them at your local store or step on over to a Whole Foods for the more exclusive things. OR…find a powder that has ALL of the above mentioned items like I do and call it a day! There are some great ones out there…Amazing Grass and Shakeology are a few to name. I have used both for over a year now. I do enjoy Amazing Grass and many of their products but personally I feel that Shakeology has more of the nutrition that I am looking for: more protein, nutrients and better TASTE!
5. Comfort. There is something magical in soup broth. Homemade, delicious soup warms my body and my soul when I am not feeling well. Do you notice that? Anytime the weather is particularly bad out or if I'm feeling run down I grab a ton of fresh veggies, maybe some lentils/rice/pasta and then create my magic. Yum! I also love this warm drink from my uncle: warm fresh orange juice and then add a tbsp of honey. Enjoy! If you aren't up for juice, simply mix water with fresh lemon juice, warm and then add your honey! Good for the body!
That's it for tonight ladies and gents. I leave you with another snowy photo from today and a pic of the gorgeous roses the fiance brought home this weekend. There is nothing more beautiful than the red rose…
Till next time!
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Hey there! I always seem to get into a rut during COLD weather. I livei n NYC and have to walk everywhere and it's hard to push myself to go to Yoga and work out sometimes. thanks for your tips!
Hi Jocelyn!
Cold weather is such a challenge, isn't it! The darkness at 5pm is what kills me.
Glad you enjoyed the tips!
I'm sooooo ready for spring! I always have to mix things up. I mix in plyometric workouts once a week. When I run…I sometimes do easy runs, sometimes hill runs, sometimes intervals. When I lift, I like to to circuits sometimes or other lifting routines. I get bored
Great tips on your post!
Hey Christy!
Spring could not come any faster in my eyes.
At least the sun stays in the sky a bit longer this month.
Plyometric workout a great addition- and can do incredible things to your cardio endurance.
I graduated from school in Boston in December and I was stupid enough to brag to all my friends that they'd be suffering through the Boston weather and I'd be enjoying a much milder winter in DC. Yeah, not so much! That is TAME!
You guys have gotten nailed in DC!!! Hopefully you're spring is just around the corner.
I love DC in the spring though. Perfection!
We havent had much snow here this year. As showcased by the Olympics! lol
But the cold weather does make working out hard. With the exception of a snowy weekend Ive managed to get my butt out into the cold whether I like it or not. My dog has to be walked either way, so I figure if Im going out either way I may as well run.
Hey Leah! How ya doin?
Well done on getting out in that cold. It took me over 2 years to finally adjust to the winters here and actually exercise outside. If you have the right gear, it can be kind of nice!