Spring is in the air!
Hello gorgeous friends!
I can't believe how incredible the weather was here in Boston! Spring was definitely all around. Birds were chirping away and I even had my coat unbuttoned and even OFF at a few points! Woohoo! Now that is progress for New England the last weekend in February. I failed on the camera front though. Didn't have it with me all weekend long so no gorgeous snapshots for you like I had planned. I WILL get better at this!
I hope you had a great weekend! We were busy busy with tons of good stuff. Friday I had a fabulous girls night dinner in Back Bay. We had lots of fun girl talk and catching up! So good! Saturday we ended up spending nearly the entire day outside. We set out around 10:30 in the am to go for a walk and get coffee. We didn't return home until 2. Boston is great in that way: you can walk and just roam the different areas of town, check out shops and simply people watch. We live very close to Newbury Street where there are over 30 shops on one block alone, which is dangerous but amazing all at the same time! We walked over 3 miles on our trek. We discovered an awesome new coffee shop straight out of Cape Cod called Wired Puppy. Dogs + coffee = LOVE for Jenn. So fun!! I love finding local businesses to support! We also stumbled upon a store going out of business and picked up some wood carvings for our bedroom wall. The owner brought the carvings from the Himalayans. He said they came from a building that was demolished in a very small town, and they had great energy. I love hearing the story behind things like that!
I owe you quite the update on my workout challenge though don't I!
Workout RECAP!
So Friday…that's the last time we chatted. Friday was a good, sweaty, hard and intense workout. I did a full 60 minute Turbo Jam session followed by Chalean Extreme Burn 3. Gosh I love that circuit. I think I said that last Friday as well but I truly do! It works your shoulders, buttocks and inner thighs. Can we say squats and lunges! Oh it felt so good. And I'm getting significantly stronger week by week. I am going to complete a full 90 days with Chalean Extreme. I just love what her weight routine does for my body and how much progress I see in such a short amount of time. There is nothing like visible progress, am I right?? I quickly did some measurements on Sunday and I am STILL losing!
Saturday…cardio was all I had planned + abs. I do Turbo Sport which is a more athletic workout. Less choreography and more intensity! So fun. I was able to complete the ENTIRE workout with my weighted gloves on that day. Naturally my arms felt like they were going to fall off by the end of it BUT I finished!!! The fiance was even impressed after that one. It's so funny when I do my workout when he is here. Usually he is sitting behind me where our dining room table is and I can feel his eyes watching. Most of the Turbo Jam workouts aren't really his style but he is always impressed by how hard I work and how hard all the hot girls in the videos are working.
Good fun.
Sunday = REST DAY! And I needed it. I actually got less than 5 hours of sleep and felt positively miserable all day. Swollen glands, foggy head, upset stomach. Bleh. Which was such a bummer because we were in Newport checking out a bunch of stuff for our WEDDING! At least I had amazing company with the fiance and his parents + it was another beautiful day!
The minute I woke up feeling crummy I packed some good snacks to have with me that would at least nourish my body a bit:
1. Green monster of course! I dumped an entire bag of spinach in this bad boy. Added my Shakeology and I was set.
2. Soft boiled eggs. Wanted some good protein but the belly was NOT feeling anything other than a simple egg.
3. Fresh JUICE! I told the fiance that at some point I would need a fresh juice from someplace. There is nothing like the nutrients you get from a juice. We almost went to Trident Cafe, my fav juice bar but ended up at Wagamama. Current obsession. I got myself the carrot + ginger juice. It was perfect and just what my body needed. Lots of vitamin C!
Got myself close to 9 hours of sleep last night and I am restored and ready to go today!
Will check in with ya later after my workout. Today's plan: something OUTSIDE for cardio + CE Burn 1.
Enjoy your Monday!
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I love that you recognize you needed some special treatment when you felt yourself getting sick – a lot of people just keep plowing through and end up being out of commission for days!
Hey there Michelle,
You know…I always used to ignore my body. I would complain if it felt like crud but then do nothing about it, stop eating b/c I wasn't hungry and things would only get worse! Now that I've been listening to it for over a year now, I have not been sick once. I might have a day like yesterday where I feel something coming on but it hasn't turned into anything substantial! Either something I'm doing is right or I'm just darn lucky!
Hi Jenn!
Loving the posts, as always! What is this new coffee shop you and the fiance
discovered on Saturday? Do tell!
Great job keeping up with your workout challenge!!
It was so darn cute!!! It's right on Newbury Street, in one of the basement floors. It was called Wired Puppy. We must go! There are dog biscuits for dog friends AND an incredible tea selection.