POM Wonderful + Shakeology recognition
Happy Friday friends!
Nothing like a glorious Friday over here. Sun is everywhere, birds are making noise (I even had a pigeon come say hi right on our window ledge for a moment) and Boston is ALIVE! I love this city!
And I love the view from our home..
Isn't that just glorious?
My mom arrived in Boston yesterday for her 3 month stay. So fun! She is here through our wedding in July so I'm about to head out and play with her for the rest of the day. What can I say- it's time to abandon all work, tasks, todo's and soak up some mom time!
But…before we do that I have a few fun things to talk about today!
First and foremost: I had a BEAST of a workout this morning. Insanity kicked my behind! Today's workout was Cardio Power and Resistance. It nearly killed me again but I am seeing some huge improvements in my strength and endurance. One of the first moves you do is called the Power Jump. You squat down, with your arms in front of you and jump straight up trying to touch your knees to your hands. Then you land as softly as you can straight into the squat position again. Repeat! Oh my gosh! This is one of the toughest moves for me and today I rocked it. I was jumping for the entire interval and nearly crying at the end.
POM Wonderful
The lovely ladies at POM Wonderful sent me a fabulous case of their juice to try and share with you all. Fun fun!
First, a bit about the beauty of their product:
- Made strictly from 100% authentic pomegranate juice (nothing added friends!) and grown exclusively on their farm in CA
- POM grow their own fruit, hand pick it and squeeze the juice with their own presses- you can't get much closer to juice that comes directly from the ground than this!
- POM has made a strong commitment to health, providing funding for research on making the best pomegranate product out there
So why try POM?
- Pomegranates are a wonderful antioxidant- those wonderful nutrients that slow the oxidation process in our cells. Want to learn more about the power of antioxidants? Try here.
- A terrific juice alternative as it does have a lower sugar content that juices such as apple or orange.
- This juice belongs in the company of many new products that you are seeing that bring you as close to juicing pomegranates in your own home!
My thoughts on POM Wonderful?
I was very excited to try this product after reading so much on it and seeing so many other bloggers out there in the world experiment and even visit POMs company site.
Today felt like the perfect day to do an official trial for a few reasons: I had just completed an intense workout and was looking for something that would give my body some fructose and quench my thirst!
All ready to go (notice how perfectly my nail polish adds to the fabulous color of POM. How coordinated am I today!
POM came through for me friends. I was one happy camper!
It was light, refreshing and a perfect post workout beverage. And my taste buds are tough to satisfy when it comes to juice. I'm not a fan of bottled juice and I strongly dislike cranberry juice, so I was worried that I wouldn't enjoy POM.
Let's just say that I'm glad I have a few more bottles to consume…now I just need to hide them from the fiance! He's already snagged two of them!
Thank you POM for giving me the chance to enjoy your wonderful juice. A special find indeed!
Shakeology recognition
As some of you know, I have a fitness business with a company called Beachbody. Part of my reason for joining this company as a coach was the belief I had in their mission and their products. I've been a "Beachbody junkie" for over 2 years now and I continue to be impressed with the quality of product that they produce.
I've been using a product in my smoothies from Beachbody for about 4 months now. It is called Shakeology. I can't convey the happiness this product has brought to my life. The energy, health, change in my skin and hair, change in my body and the mere enjoyment of taste!
Earlier this week, Shakeology was endorsed by a collection of physicians. I could not be more proud of the impact that this product is having on individuals and the recognition it is receiving. If you have a moment, please listen to the below video. This product is fabulous! It has changed me and it has changed my health.
You always have a choice of what you put into your body! That is a powerful thing! If you ever have questions about Shakeology or other products out there on the market, please shoot me an email. I research just about everything I can find and get my hands on. Not everything is for everyone. But we do live in a society now where we have the power to take care of our bodies and work on preventative health!
Have a wonderful day friends and even better weekend!
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Hope you are having a great weekend with your mom!
Thanks Christie!
We had a WONDERFUL weekend.