Sweet Obsession
We are getting slammed with a TON of rain here in Boston. Outside of the city it is snow so I guess I can't complain but tomorrow a snow storm is supposed to arrive and we are expected to be snowy all weekend long. I'm hoping, wishing and praying that this might be our last storm this year!
So how did YOUR day go? I hope very well!
I had a super energetic and "on" kind of day. Not only did my favorite trainer and cutie Shaun T get some recognition on the Tyra Banks show BUT..Beachbody was recognized as one of the top marketing companies! Now THAT is fabulous and I am a part of this company! Here is the article.
I've been getting a lot of questions about my job as a coach with Beachbody. Here is the quick and dirty for ya: when I became a coach, I started my own fitness business. What does this mean? My job is to help others achieve their fitness and health goals through support, accountability and education. When someone decides to use Beachbody products and fitness programs as part of their fitness journey, I am able to provide them those programs, and then individualize the program according to their goals and needs. I choose to be involved with my clients on a daily level so that I can support them in any way I can. Since I've used all of the Beachbody programs myself, I like to think I'm a bit of an expert so it makes my job even better! And the best part…I'm having the time of my life doing it and I am working from home. I have more flexibility than I ever have. It's fabulous!
Within Beachbody, my formal title is Independent Beachbody Coach. Once I complete my Well Coaches certification, I will also be able to expand my role and title. At that point, I will offer phone or in person sessions with clients looking to improve all areas of well-being. This program will allow me to broaden my expertise and knowledge and give me the ability to work with people across the entire health and wellness spectrum. At least…that is part of my vision.
So, keep emailing me with any questions you have about this new career that I am carving out. It's only been a few months and I have never been happier! If you have a desire to help others lead a more fit and happy life…maybe coaching is for you! Ya never know unless you ask.
Interval workout
Today I felt ready to introduce a workout from Chalean Extreme that I haven't been able to do in 2 months because of my broken toe. It is called Burn Intervals. It is a combination of high intensity cardio drills, followed by a recovery period where you lift weights focusing on endurance. Endurance strength training means lighter weights, higher reps, less fatigue. But combined with cardio drills = hello burn! My body was burning all over by the time I was done. Then I threw in the Ab Burn DVD and nailed my core area with things I haven't done in a while. Tons of push ups, planks, mountain climbers and more. It was a blast!!! And there were lots of folks over in the hotel fitness center across the way so I waved as we all worked up a sweat together. Good stuff.
Sweet Obsession
Uh huh…I love you yams.
In the last 3 weeks, I would estimate that I have eaten over 10 sweet potatoes. I am a wee bit obsessed with this beautiful food. I vary my cooking methods but before we get into that how about we discuss some of the wonderful benefits of sweet potato or often called "yam":
- A delicious form of complex carbohydrate that provides the body with sustained fuel (maintains or stabilizes the blood sugar)
- Significant source of vitamin A, vitamin C, magnesium, B12, fiber, potassium and iron
- The present beta-carotene and vitamin C provide antioxidant benefits by removing free radicals from our body (free radicals are shown to damage our body's cells)
- Has shown high immunity boosting properties and works as an anti-inflammatory because of vitamin and mineral content
- Healthy fiber content aids in digestion
- Subtle sweet taste, often used in desserts that is more prominent depending on cooking method
Look at all of those beautiful facts! How can you not incorporate yams in your diet? I used to despise these buggars. I don't think I had even tasted them growing up but I didn't like the color or the idea of them. Now…Oh my goodness am I in love!
My favorite methods:
Kath's Low and Slow method – cook at 350 for 30 minutes then spark the temp to 400 for 20 more. Oh so worth the wait! They literally ooze this delicious glaze that tastes so decadent.
Here they are tonight going in the oven (I didn't snap the pic when they were done. I know, I'm horrible. I was too hungry and we literally inhaled them!)
Colleen's Fries – slice fry-style, mix with olive oil, garlic powder, chili powder and Italian seasoning. Roast for 20-22 min at 425. Fabulous!
Heather's Old fashioned baked– take a fork to your potato a few times, toss in the oven on a piece of foil at 425 for 55-60 minutes. So worth the wait!!!
Hi from the kitchen!
Once these beauties are cooked, the world is at your fingertips! I eat my sweet P's straight out of the oven, toss them in salads, slice and mix in oatmeal and I'm even thinking of a way to have them in an afternoon smoothie when I'm super hungry or in need of a good workout recovery meal!
Well friends…I think it is about time to relax and hit the pillow! I hope you have a wonderful evening and an awesome start to your weekend tomorrow.
Till next time!
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LOVE your tribute to sweet potatoes! You know that I share your fondness of this awesome veggie!!
Yes ma'am we do!
I love sweet potatoes, too! I've been a bit obsessed lately! I really need to try Kath's "low and slow" method… I've been seeing it everywhere lately! I think I've just been to impatient! 😉
The low and slow method was unreal! It was as if you drizzled brown sugar or maple syrup on top. YUMMO!
I live in NH and we had a tree fall on our apt. last night- what a crazy storm! Luckily it didn't do any serious damage.
I've gotten into the habit of roasting them and tossing them with some edamame and taking them with me to work (at a restaurant) for a simple healthy dinner that I can eat on the run. I could eat them every day.
I eat a lot of sweet potatoes too
Wow! Everyone was ok? It sounded like there was a hurricane out there! It's been a while since we had that much wind.
I wish we were getting rain in Saskatchewan … anything is better than the cold and the snow!!!
Oh my…I can only imagine!!! Come on over to Boston- we are nearly 40 today!